Spelt Bread

Spelt is not a common ingredient in many recipes, but is beginning to crop up in bread recipes as an alternative to white flour.   It is a subspecies of the common wheat milled for all-purpose flour, wheat flour, etc.  It supposedly has a nuttier, sweeter taste.  It has a lot of nutrients found in whole wheat flour so is a healthy, suitable substitute in almost any recipe.  This recipe uses just a tad of spelt flour and some all-purpose flour.  I hope to try making it again with more spelt flour.  I’m still trying to figure out the complexities of yeast and didn’t want to upset the balance by modifying a new recipe.

The ingredients are added together to form a rough dough (below).

I turned it out onto a floured surface and kneaded the dough for about 5-10 minutes (below).

The dough is placed in an oiled bowl and allowed to rise until doubled in size, 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  Deflate the dough, pulling the dough taut into a ball. Place this ball on a floured baking sheet and cover with a dish towel (below).

Let it rise for about an hour.  Preheat the oven to 400˚F. Make four 1/4 inch slashes in the top of the loaf to allow steam to escape.

My knife got a little stuck, but it evened out in the oven.

Bake for about 30 minutes.  The bread should have an internal temperature (test the bottom to avoid an unsightly hole) of 200˚F.

Cool the bread before slicing.

Look at that beautiful bread.  This is similar to a soft white bread with just a hint of wheat-i-ness.  Great for French toast or for breakfast with some butter or jam.

Recipe from Baking Bites

Recipe:White Spelt Bread